The Fannie Mae PUBLIC USER REGISTRATION provides access to the vast amount of public data that Fannie Mae makes available through various business applications. Below are answers to common questions related to the user login and registration process.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- I completed my registration, but I did not receive an email with the verification code. What’s wrong?
Verify the email address entered on the activation screen is valid and check the spam folder within your mailbox. If the address is correct and you still did not receive the verification code email, hit the ‘resend’ link on the activation screen. If the email address that you entered to register is incorrect, you will need to register again with the correct email address.
- My account is locked, what should I do?
You can attempt to access your account after 15 minutes as indicated in the message. If you need immediate access to your account, you may reset your password by clicking on the “Forgot Password” link.
- When registering I receive an “Email already in use”, message, what should I do?
You may have already registered with the provided email address. Try to login with that email address or reset your password if forgotten. It is also possible that the email was registered but may not have completed the activation. In that case, you may request a new activation code by clicking on the “Resend activation code” link.
- When trying to login, I get an “Incorrect username or password” error message. Is something wrong?
Make sure the username is the email address that you used to register. If you forgot your password, you may reset it by clicking the “Forgot Password” link. If you used the incorrect email address, you must register again with the correct email by following the “registration” link.
- I reset the password, but I did not receive the recovery code. How can I get the code?
Check the spam folder within your mailbox and verify that the email address used to register is correct. If the registered email address is incorrect, you will need to register again with the correct email address by following the “registration” link.
- While resetting the password, the new password does not meet the requirements. How can I verify the password requirements?
Click on the “Enter New Password” field to enable the password requirements pop up box. Ensure that the minimum password requirements are met as shown. The password must be different than the one previously used.
- The registration link is not loading, what’s wrong?
First confirm you are using one of the supported browsers: Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. Once confirmed, copy and paste the “registration” link into a new browser window. Clearing the browser cache and cookies may also help solve the problem.
- Captcha verification is failing. What should I do?
Make sure all fields are populated as they are all required for verification. You may also uncheck and recheck the Captcha box, then click the “Register” button again.
- What should I do if there are other access/registration issues that are not covered by these FAQs?
Please call the Fannie Mae Support Center at 1-800-2FANNIE [800-232-6643].
Contact Us
For questions regarding Public User Login and Registration, contact the Fannie Mae Support Center at 1-800-2FANNIE [800-232-6643].