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E-5-01, Requesting Reimbursement for Expenses (11/09/2016)

The servicer must request reimbursement for advances it has made for property taxes, insurance premiums, applicable HOA dues, and other out of pocket expenses by submitting a request for expense reimbursement.

Fannie Mae will allow the servicer to submit requests for reimbursement as soon as possible after incurring an expense. When multiple requests for reimbursement are submitted in connection with the same mortgage loan, the servicer must submit its final request for expense reimbursement for expenses incurred during the disposition process within 60 days of the applicable milestone.

For conventional mortgage loans, the applicable milestone is 60 days after

For government mortgage loans, the applicable milestone is 60 days after the date the final FHA, VA, or RD claim proceeds are submitted to Fannie Mae.

Note: If the servicer submits a request for reimbursement of advances after the date Fannie Mae specifies for the submission of the final request for expense reimbursement, Fannie Mae will deny the request.

The servicer must follow the procedures in F-1-05, Expense ReimbursementF-1-05, Expense Reimbursement, for all reimbursement requests.

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